418 387-8414 / 1-888-841-8414 info@caapca.ca

Your rights within the network

Taking into account the provisions* and the human, material, and financial resources available to the institution, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT:

  • To be treated with courtesy, fairness and understanding, and with respect for your dignity, autonomy, needs, and safety
  • To be informed of the health and social services and resources available in your community and of how to access them
  • To receive appropriate scientific, human, and social services on an ongoing basis in a safe, personalized manner
  • To choose the professional and institution from whom or which you wish to receive health or social services
  • To receive the required care for your condition

    Everyone whose life or bodily integrity is in peril is entitled to receive the necessary care. Institutions are responsible for providing such care when requested to do so.

  • Be informed of your state of health and welfare

    You have the right to be informed of the various options open to you and of the risks and consequences generally associated with each option before you consent to care. The same applies to any accident that occurs during the provision of services that may impact or has impacted your health or wellbeing. You also have the right to be informed as soon as possible of any measures taken to remedy such consequences, where appropriate, or to prevent such an accident from happening again.

  • To give or withhold consent

    No person may be made to undergo care of any nature, whether for examination, specimen taking, treatment or any other intervention, except with their consent. Consent to care or the authorization to provide care shall be given or refused by the user or, as the case may be, by their representative or the court.

  • To participate in any decision affecting your state of health or welfare.

    You have the right to participate in the development of your intervention plan or your individualized service plan. The same applies to any modifications made to such plans.

  • To be accompanied and assisted by a person of your choice

    when you want to obtain information or take steps in relation to any service provided by or on behalf of an institution or by any professional practising their profession in a centre operated by the institution.

  • To be represented if you are a minor or an unfit adult
  • To stay at a hospital or institution if your state of health requires it
  • To receive health and social services in English if you are an English speaker
  • To seek remedy against an institution, its directors, employees or attendants or a professional by reason of a professional or other fault. In no case may such remedy be waived.
  • To access your records, which are confidential

Private seniors’ residences and drug and gambling addiction resources must also meet certain certification criteria and standards.Learn more here.

Users should participate in care and services that concern them as much as possible and use such services in a judicious manner.

*legislative and regulatory provisions related to the organization and operation of institutions

From the Act respecting health services and social services, R.S.Q., chapter S-4.2, October 30, 2012, p. 2–6